Factoring Services for Small & Medium-sized Businesses



— April 23, 2015

5 Ways Factoring Can Grow Your Business

Growing a business can be fickle, unrewarding work, especially when it comes to gaining and keeping capital. There are countless aspects to consider in growing and maintaining a successful business, but no plan can move forward without available funds. There are many ways factoring can give you the time and money to start, grow, and succeed in your business. Here are five that we think are important to know:

— April 9, 2015

Is Purchase Order Financing Right For My Business

Startups and small businesses face a variety of challenges, a lot of which have to do with unsteady capital. When you are low on valuable inventory that could boost your sales and business growth, it can be stressful to face a supplier who wants money up front. Though it is an unfortunate fact of business, a lot of great ideas and hard workers are left in the dust once the money dries up. Even when practicing great preventative habits, there will…

— April 6, 2015

An Account Manager’s Perspective – How to Make Factoring a Great Experience….

I am an Account Manager with Catamount Funding and have been working in that capacity for several years. I always try to put myself in the customer’s shoes and ask my self “What can I do to help my customer grow and succeed while keeping our company’s best interest in mind”? Let’s face it, any business owner has lots of questions and concerns when transitioning to using accounts receivable factoring and purchase order financing for the first…

— April 3, 2015

From a Catamount employee: What it’s like to work for a factoring company.

As I was walking into my first and only interview with Catamount Funding I had no idea what to expect, but I was put completely at ease with the first hello. Someone greeted me warmly and directed me into the conference room. She offered me some water and returned with it, joined by two others. They were all so nice and I didn’t feel overly nervous like I had in other interviews.

— March 26, 2015

Things to Consider When Choosing a Factoring Company

There are so many factoring companies in the market place these days. From banks to giant credit card companies to small boutique shops….the business owner has a plethora of options. When factoring your accounts receivables it’s important to carefully define your needs and weigh your options.

— March 25, 2015

Account Factoring: What is it?

Without working capital, a business will fail. It’s an unfortunate truth. Another unfortunate truth is that there will, at some point in a business owner’s life, be downtime. There may even be a point when the money exists but hasn't arrived yet, as with any client who demands long credit terms. What should a business owner do in the face of a financial crisis?

— March 23, 2015

Reasons to Embrace Invoice Factoring

If you’ve been in business long enough you will certainly attest to the fact that trade cycles can often times seem like a roller coaster ride. Whether your product sales are seasonal or not, most companies experience increases and decreases in the demand for their products and services.

— March 12, 2015

Factoring As An Alternative To Bank Loans

With small businesses being the responsible for more than 39% of the gross national profit, it’s easy to see why they are so essential. Even still, a lot of small businesses are finding it increasingly hard to give their company’s a great financial start. Some find it difficult to get a running start with a lack of steady capital, and even with solid beginnings, start-up costs aren't the end of the battle.

— March 2, 2015

Basic Decision Making Tips

Without question, entrepreneurs that inhabit the business world can all agree on one thing, we have all made regrettable decisions. People that claim they have never made a bad decision are simply not being honest.

— February 20, 2015

Ways Factoring Could Benefit Your Company

There are many aspects of business that are no waiting matter. In fact, waiting for money can destroy a business before it has even picked up momentum. Payroll-related delays can ruin a business's credibility and reputation while fluctuating cash flows can render it unmanageable in down times.

— February 9, 2015

Invoice Factoring for the Staffing Business

Perception and Perspective….I will say it again. When a company accelerates its cash flow by utilizing a factoring program, the outcome in the staffing industry is always positive….as long as your contract is profitable, payroll taxes are paid current and your client remains happy. SO many times we hear “What are my customer’s going to think about me if we factor our invoices?” and “How can I afford it?”… Well, how are you going to feel when you…

— February 9, 2015

Factoring Your Freight Bills

Factoring your freight bills is easy, plus it’s a reliable way to predict your cash flow without waiting weeks or even months to get paid. Here are a few thoughts as to why transportation factoring is worth looking into...

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Catamount has always been there for us and has been very instrumental in helping us succeed.

-Victor G., Equipment Paint & Blast

Without Catamount we would not be where we are today...period. They have been a tremendous help and are very supportive!

-Angelos P., Oilfield Trucking

When we needed help Catamount stood up to the plate for us. Their service is outstanding...great people to work with!

-Jimmy F., Welding & Fabrication